80年代Suntory royal SR whisky 1000ml 43%



Suntory is the oldest whisky making company in Japan. Its origins stretch back to a small shop, started in 1899 by Torii Shinjiro, which specialized in selling imported wines. Today, it is the largest and most recognizable whisky maker in Japan. The Suntory Royal is a series of mid-range blended whiskies. Being of higher standard than the Old Series, but not quite as high in quality as the Yamazaki and the Hibiki, it is still an excellent whisky for the collector. It is also fitting for those who’d like to try out the whole range that Suntory has to offer. It has no box. #根據香港法律不得在業務過程中向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類 #UnderthelawofHongKongintoxicatingliquormustnotbesoldorsuppliedtoaminorinthecourseofbusiness #本店不售賣酒類飲品予18歲或以下人士

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